Ideal snacks for smart working

Now the smart working, also called agile work, has entered forcefully into our daily lives, just think that there are many companies that choose it to allow employees to combine family and work freely and then of course there are digital nomads ie those people who have their activity totally on the web and travel to make new experiences, to know different people and cultures as well as wonderful places.

Many people, especially us women, in the dark years of the virus and closure have known smart working and have not abandoned it anymore making it a real lifestyle with less stress and more space for everyday life.

Of course there is also the other side of the coin because working from home and being able to turn on and off the computer at any time many seem to never disconnect from work commitments and you also risk burnout but in general this way of working pleases and we women often the extra time is an opportunity to be with children or with the closest affections.

That said, smart working is always work and as such has its schedules, its load of urgent things to do, calls with bosses to develop new projects, meetings with colleagues to take stock of the work done, …. and therefore every now and then needs short breaks to recharge the energies.

And this article that I found online recommends the most suitable snacks for a little regenerating break and for a great start. They are just simple snacks but from the high content of nutrients useful to our organism, they satiate us without being burdened and sleepy. Tell me what you think and if you’ve already tried one of these snacks, I can’t wait to read to you.

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